Comprehensive Examination Request

Comprehensive Examination Request

The Department of Physics provides comprehensive examinations for the following courses:

  • PHY 121 University Physics I: Mechanics
  • PHY 131 University Physics II: Electricity and Magnetism.

Comprehensive examinations do not provide students with lab credit (PHY 122 or PHY 132) nor will the exam provide a letter grade. Students will receive 3 hours of lecture credit only. 

Students are responsible for paying a $150.00 comprehensive examination fee before completing the exam. 

Comprehensive examination forms must be submitted at least 1 week prior to exam date. 

Comprehensive Examination Process

 Step 1: Meet with your academic advisor to verify eligibility.

It is the student's responsibility to determine if they are eligible to take the comprehensive exam and receive credit. 

To be eligible to apply to take a comprehensive examination to establish undergraduate course equivalence, a student must:

  • Have less than 100 hours
  • Have not earned more than 60 semester hours of credit through comprehensive, CLEP, international baccalaureate, and advanced placement examinations
  • Have not earned credit for a duplicate course
  • Have not taken the course for which the student is applying for credit at any other institution
  • Have not received credit for an upper division course in the same subject and have not earned credit for a course for which this course is a prerequisite.

Step 2:  The exam will take place during fall and spring terms only. We have one instructor, Dr. Hill, that issues comprehensive exams. Use the Class Search to determine the times they teach, then use the final exam schedule to determine corresponding exam times. Examinations are not provided outside of the listed final schedule. 

Step 3:  Initiate comprehensive examination request form. Your request will not be processed if information is missing. 


Arlinda Hill,

*Only complete this form once all of the above steps have been completed!

Request Form 

Step 4: Once your request form has been received you will be sent a comprehensive examination arrangement. After this form has been signed and approved a copy will be sent to you by email. Please provide a copy to Cashiering Services and pay the $150 fee.

Step 5: Email a copy of the receipt to Include your name and student ID in your email.

Step 6: Complete comprehensive examination

Step 7: Instructor will notify student of pass/fail status. If a "pass" is issued, instructor will process paperwork for credit to be added to student's account. 

Instructor Reporting Form