Hosted by the Department of Physics, Biophysics Day aims to gather like minded students and faculty to celebrate and promote the field of biophysics. 



Private Tutoring

Students may utitlize the list of qualified tutors below for private physics tutoring. All arrangements, including pay, will be made between you and the tutor. If intersted, please contact your prefered tutor by the email provided. 

Please be aware that private tutors are not sponsored or employed as tutors by the Department of Physics or Arizona State University. The Department of Physics does not assume any responsibility for services rendered. 

Graduate faculty participating in our program come from units spanning several science and engineering disciplines who pursue experimental and theoretical inquiry in the major research emphases of our department

Program Directors

All full-time (nine credit hours) students in the PhD program may receive financial support in the form of a teaching assistantship or a research assistantship as long as they maintain good standing in the PhD program.

Applications are accepted for the fall semester only.

The application deadline for full consideration for the Fall semester is January 31. Files completed after this date will be considered, but students should recognize that most of the financial resources will be committed by early spring.