Business Office

Business Staff

Forms and Process

To place an order please follow the steps below

  • Submit a Purchase requisition. Choose the appropriate form based on the amount of purchase.  
  • Complete the Physics Purchase Request Form (REQ) and submit to the Business Office. The completed REQ form may be delivered via email:
  • All REQ forms must be signed by the Faculty member that is approving the order OR email approval must be attached.
  • Please fill out the REQ form completely.  You must provide an account number that will be used for the purchase. Please verify that your account will have sufficient funds.
  • For larger equipment purchases additional forms if applicable. Please work with business team or Research Administrator. 
  • Have additional purchasing questions, please review the purchasing procedure manual

Vendors: If you are using a new vendor that is not currently in our system, please provide us with as much information about the vendor as you can (name, address, phone, fax, website).

To obtain a reimbursement follow the steps below 

Please fill out the forms completely and provide an account to be charged and account holder approval. All reimbursements must be submitted within 30 days of purchase date.

Submit to PSF 470 or email to When emailing, include the account number and Reimbursement in the subject line.

Important Notes:

  • It is the responsibility of the party seeking reimbursement to obtain the proper receipts from the restaurant.
  • Alcohol reimbursed requires chair approval. Alcohol must be on separate receipt. 
  • Gratuity shall not exceed 20 percent. No exceptions.
  • Lunch or dinner attendees must be ASU personnel or have a business-related justification for attending the event
  • All food and non-alcohol beverage must be submitted on an itemized receipt from the restaurant along with the paid receipt for proper reimbursement. 

Restricted Purchases 

Restricted purchases are not eligible for reimbursement and may not be purchased with personal funds.

  • Computers 
  • Laptops 
  • Tables and like equipment 

To initiate the travel process

Submit Travel Request Form to Staff will coordinate International Travel documentation and approvals (Department Chair and Dean). My ASU TRIP Request must be fully approved prior to booking any part of your travel. 

*ASU will not reimburse travel expenses incurred without the required pre-authorization and booking process.

The My ASU Trip manual is a great resource that covers a wide variety of topics such as setting up delegate access, creating a My ASU Trip Request, creating an expense report, steps to booking in Concur, and much more.

MyASU Trip Manual

To  innitiate a shipping request 

Submit Physics Shipping Form to Request must include account number and approval. 

FedEx envelopes and boxes are available in the mail room.


The following trainings are available as educational materials or required for business processing. All trainings are hosted within the Physics Operations course in Canvas. The course is set-up as self-enroll

  • Introduction to Physics Business
  • Purchase Requisition Form Training
  • Workday Cart Training: Required training for those wanting to use Sunrise to order materials and supplies
  • Physics Department Travel Process
  • Food and Beverage Purchases


Update 5/01/24

Please note that chemical receiving (PSG) has now been incorporated under the umbrella of materials management. The following updates will take effect immediately:

  • Materials management has created a department ID for all units to streamline communication and delivery. The CEMS number for PHYSICS is C3015.
  • The Department of Physics, via, will receive an email notification when items have been delivered to PSG. We will email the PI and the requester to pick up their items. PI responsible for knowing the availability of their group members.
  • Every effort should be made to pick up immediately upon notification.  Hours at PSG are 10am – 4pm.  Items will not be held or stored.
  • Please reply to email confirming pickup and items received/ packing slip. 

Contact Us

The physics business staff is here to help, to initiate a request, or ask a question. Please send your email to