Physics Human Resources Support

Research Assistants/Associates, Teaching Assistants/Associates are hired through a waiver process.

Provide the following information to Melinda at least three weeks before the desired start date:

  • Start date and end date
    • The start date must be a future date and allow enough time for the recruitment process to be completed and to get HR approval.  If possible, please use the beginning of a pay period.
  • FTE/hours per week
  • Bi-weekly pay rate & amount for semester or AY
  • Account number to pay from
  • Job description:  at least a few sentences long
  • The student should email Melinda their resume and cover letter as soon as possible so she can enter them into the system.
  • There are several approvals/verifications during the process that involve central HR and the Student Employment/Financial Aid Office, so this process will take at least two weeks to get someone hired.   
  • Students will receive their offer letter through the recruitment system and accept electronically towards the end of the recruitment/hiring process for their appointment to be processed in the payroll system. 
  • Research Assistant and Associate positions carry a tuition stipend and health insurance.
  • The student will be required to fill out a new employee payroll packet including an I-9 form within their first three days of employment and submit to ASU Human Resources (if they do not currently have an active position).

RA and TA’s can only work a maximum of 20 hours per week during the academic year

Hourly Student Hiring

  • Requested Start date and expected end date
    • The start date must be a future date and allow enough time for the recruitment process to be completed and to get HR approval.  The student cannot start working until we have approval, which could take one-two weeks from the time we receive all of the information.
  • FTE/hours per week
  • Hourly pay rate
  • Account number to pay from
  • A brief job description (a few sentences is fine)
  • Qualifications:  Include very specific criteria including requirements if there are specific areas that they need to have prior experience in, please list.
  • If you have a hire in mind: 
    • You must tailor the qualifications to match the background of individual you want to hire and be sure to tell them they need to include these requirements on their resume/cv when they apply to the job. 
    • The student will need to apply to the job as soon as possible after it’s posted with their resume, cover letter and needs to add at least three references.
    • The student will be required to fill out a new employee payroll packet including an I-9 form within their first three days of employment and submit to ASU Human Resources (if they do not currently have an active position).
    • Student worker job postings must remain up for at least two days or until three applicants have applied before we can make a hire.
    • There are several approvals/verifications during the process that involve central HR and the Student Employment/Financial Aid Office, so this process will take up to two weeks if we are waiting for the student to apply or for other required information and approvals.
    • Students will receive their offer letter through the recruitment system and accept electronically towards the end of the recruitment/hiring process for their appointment to be processed in the payroll system. 

International Students can only work a maximum of 20 hours per week during the academic year to include all positions they are employed in.  

For more information, please see:  or send Melinda an email

SSN Form

Hiring Form

F-1 Optional Practial Training (OPT)

  • Optional Practical Training (OPT) is a benefit from United States Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) that allows international students in F-1 status to gain off-campus work experience in their field of study before or after completion of studies for a maximum of 12 months.
  • F-1 students who received a bachelor’s, master’s or doctoral degree in a STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering or Math) field may apply for a single 17-month extension of their 12-month OPT period.
  • International students should work with their graduate and faculty advisor to determine an appropriate completion date and then the student should apply for OPT at least 90 days in advance of their completion date if they plan to remain in the US to work following their completion date and graduation.
  • International students can usually work through end of the semester in a student position as long as their OPT has been approved and they have received their EAD after their completion date (generally defined as the date that all revisions are complete for their defense).  After the end of that semester, the recent graduates must be hired into a non-student position while on OPT.

Exchange Visitor Program JI Visa

  • International visiting scholars are required to obtain a J1 visa
  • Provides foreign nationals an opportunity to collaborate and designed for temporary educational and cultural exchanges
    • Visitors come to teach, conduct research, observe, consult or demonstrate specialized knowledge or skills
  • Understanding is the visitor will return to home country at the end of the program.
  • Visitors must have sufficient funding of at least $1200 per month while they are in the US. If visitors will be brining dependents, they must provide proof of additional monthly funding of $350 per month for a spouse and $200 per month for each dependent child.
  • The process of requesting a DS-2019 is initiated by the Physics HR office after you contact us with your intent of bringing in an exchange visitor.
    • ISSO will not take requests directly from a faculty member or a visitor – only from the designated department contact
  • Once we have the request from you, we will work directly with the exchange visitor to gather all the required documents and submit to ISSO
  • We must provide the visitor with a letter of invitation to visit ASU. 
  • Within about two to three weeks, we will receive the DS2019 and send it via FedEx to the exchange visitor.

H1B Visa Requests

  • The process to obtain an H1B visa can be time-consuming, so please plan ahead.
  • Please request at least six months in advance of employment start date. 
  • If a request is submitted less than six months to the start date, either the start date will have to be delayed, or premium processing will have to be requested at an additional expense of $1225.
  • H1B visas should only be requested for individuals you intend to employ for at least 1 – 3 years.
  • There are additional expenses every time a new petition is filed.             
  • If you intend to fund someone for at least three years – the initial petition should be for three years.
  • If you do not have the funding or anticipate funding for an extended amount of time, the petition should be requested for the time you anticipate funding.
  • Petitions have to be amended in advance and require additional filing fees for the following items:
    • Change in job responsibilities (ex: original petition indicated research only, now you want employee to teach)
    • Change in job location (ex: original petition indicated ASU as work location, and now you have a collaborator at another university in California where employee will go to physically work)
    • Title changes and salary increases may require an amendment.
    • Employee is currently on H1B at another University, and you are hiring them at ASU

Permanent Residency/ Green Card Process

  • The process to obtain a green card can vary due to individual circumstances. There are two routes based on school sponsorship:
    • Outstanding Researcher/Professor (ORP) – estimated cost is between $7,500-$10,000 depending on the complexity of the case.  Processing time is between 1-2 years.
    • Labor Certification process – involves a job posting and typically takes a little bit longer than ORP, however, the cost is much less, typically less than $1000.
  • Please contact Melinda to set up a time to discuss the processes if you or a member of your lab is looking into applying for permanent residency (green card).

TN Visa ( Mexican and Canadian NAFTA Professional Worker)

  • Canadians and Mexicans may be eligible to work in the United States as NAFTA professionals under the following conditions:
    • Applicant is a citizen of Canada or Mexico;
    • Profession is on the NAFTA list;
    • Position in the United States requires a NAFTA professional;
    • The applicant will work in a prearranged full-time or part-time job for an employer (seeRequired Documentation).
    • Applicant has the qualifications, meeting the specific requirements, education, and/or experience, of the profession.
    • With some exceptions, each profession requires a baccalaureate degree as an entry-level requirement. If a baccalaureate is required, the experience cannot be substituted for that degree. In some professions, an alternative to a bachelor's degree is listed. For some professions, experience is required in addition to the degree. For a complete list of professions with minimum education requirements and alternative credentials, seeAppendix 1603.D.1 of NAFTA Chapter 16.
  • The Physics HR office will prepare the required TN letters used when entering the US at a Port of Entry (usually and airport or border crossing).

For more information, please see:

Late Hours Submission Form 

Time Reporting

Please see the TAS Quick Reference Guide for more information and instructions.  We have also created the following PowerPoint presentations with instructions:

  • Hourly Staff (non-exempt) and employees on PRN (as needed) appointments are required to report time worked and leave time every pay period.  If hours are not submitted and approved by the payroll deadline, the employee will not receive a pay check. 
  • Hourly Staff (exempt), University Staff, Academic Professionals and Postdocs are required to report leave time every pay period (if applicable)
    • Examples:
      • Sick
      • Vacation
      • Jury Duty
      • Bereavement

In the event, you need to take leave, please work with your supervisor and Melinda to discuss the type of leave and the process involved with that leave.