Physics Undergraduate Student Scholarships

Physics Undergraduate Student Scholarships

The Department of Physics rewards our students who go above and beyond in their academic studies while showcasing great enthusiasm for creating positive change in the world through the application of physics.

Annual Scholarships

The ASU scholarship season is from October 1 through March 1.  Deadlines may vary, we encourage students to apply early.

All awards listed below are for current Department of Physics undergraduate majors only. Scholarships will post to a student’s account in August.  Scholarships that are over $1000 will be split between Fall and Spring.


Application materials will be collected by ASU's Scholarship Universe Portal.  Applicants can search by matching criteria or keyword “Physics” to locate Department specific scholarships.

  1. Department scholarships will link to an application which may be used for multiple scholarships. 
  2. When attaching documents, please use the following naming convention: “FirstNameLastName_FileType.pdf” Example – “JohnDoe_Transcript.pdf”

Note: Travel Awards are not submitted through Scholarship Universe. 

Scholarship Application

Awards Descriptions

Program Type: Undergraduate

The Molecular Imaging Corporation benefited greatly from the support of Arizona State University. The company was founded in 1993, and the founders strongly believed that ASU was instrumental in the development of the company and wanted to say thank you by creating this endowment to support students. When the Molecular Imaging Corporation was sold to Agilent Technologies in December 2005, the principal investors decided to make gifts to support students in the Department of Physics in the College of Liberal Arts and Sciences, Arizona State University, Tempe campus.

ASU undergraduate physics majors shall be full-time students with a minimum cumulative GPA of 3.00. Financial need may be considered in the selection of undergraduate scholarship recipients, but it is not a requirement. Some recipients may be chosen solely on the basis of merit. For undergraduate scholarships, preference shall be given to students involved in undergraduate research.

The amount of this scholarship is an estimated $900. 

Please include the following in your application:

  • Transcripts of all relevant work (unofficial copies are acceptable).
  • A brief statement, explaining why you should be considered for this scholarship, include any career plans.

Program Type: Undergraduate

The Stoelzel Physics Scholarships are awarded by Mr. Wally Stoelzel in honor of Professor Allen Wager, former chair of the Department of Physics, and Ms. Glenna Curtis, former department secretary. Mr. Stoelzel did his graduate work in physics in 1965-1967 gaining the academic background necessary to teach and work in the industrial private sector. He was also Dr. Wager’s graduate assistant in 1967. During those years Mr. Stoelzel gained an appreciation of the time, effort and expertise that Dr. Wager exhibited, ably assisted by Ms. Curtis, in helping the ASU Physics Department evolve into a recognized major university physics department. The task was not an easy one during those formative years.

Successful applicants are United States citizens and outstanding undergraduate physics students. Though there is no specific cumulative GPA requirement, academic success is considered.

The amount of this scholarship is an estimated $3000, and may be split between the fall and spring semesters.

Please include the following in your application:

  • Transcripts of all relevant work (unofficial copies are acceptable).
  • A brief statement, explaining why you should be considered for this scholarship, include any career plans.

Program Type: Undergraduate

The Vesto Melvin Slipher Foundation provides a scholarship each year to a worthy student who is pursuing studies in science at either the University of Arizona, Arizona State University or Northern Arizona University. The amount of this award may fluctuate slightly from year to year.

Any ASU undergraduate physics major is eligible to apply. Particular focus is paid to academic success.

The amount of this scholarship is an estimated $1300, and may be split between the fall and spring semesters.

Application must include:

  • Transcripts of all relevant work (unofficial copies are acceptable).
  • A brief statement, explaining why you should be considered for this scholarship, include any career plans.
  • A nominating letter from a professor within the Department of Physics.

Program Type: Undergraduate

The William J. and Carol M. Motil Scholarship was established by William J. Motil who graduated from ASU with a degree in Physics in 1963. He is thankful and appreciative of the benefits derived from the education he received and recognizes the need for support of students entering into and continuing their education in the field of physics.

Successful applicants are undergraduate students pursuing an academic degree in physics. Applicants should highlight their passion for or interest in the field of physics. Though there is no specific cumulative GPA requirement, academic success is considered.

The amount of this scholarship is an estimated $1000.

Please include the following in your application:

  • Transcripts of all relevant work (unofficial copies are acceptable).
  • A brief statement, explaining why you should be considered for this scholarship, include any career plans.

Program Type: Undergraduate

The Department of Physics at Arizona State University is pleased to sponsor this scholarship in honor of our former colleague, John C. Wheatley.

The recipient shall be a sophomore or junior who is enrolled full time as a major in the ASU Department of Physics at the time of receiving the scholarship. All applicants will be given full consideration without regard to gender, race, color, creed or ethnic origin, although preference will be given to U.S. citizen or permanent resident students who plan to undertake a research project under the supervision of a department faculty member. This scholarship requires a minimum cumulative GPA of 3.00. The amount of this award is an estimated $1200. This scholarship is non-renewable. Financial need is not required but may be considered a factor by the Selection Committee.

Application must include:

  • Transcripts of all relevant work (unofficial copies are acceptable).
  • A brief statement, explaining why you should be considered for this scholarship, include any career plans.
  • A letter from a department faculty member confirming his/her willingness to mentor you for the duration of your research project.

Program Type: Undergraduate

Professor Stoner was chair of the ASU Department of Physics and Astronomy for ten years, a dedicated teacher, and a founding member of the Arizona section of the American Association of Physics Teachers. The scholarship is supported by the income from funds donated by ASU Department of Physics faculty members in his memory.

ASU undergraduate physics majors and those who will soon become ASU physics majors are eligible to apply for the Richard G. Stoner Memorial Scholarship for Undergraduate Physics Majors. Recipients are selected primarily on the basis of probable success in the major and secondarily on financial need. All other things being equal, applicants planning careers that will include physics teaching at any level will be given preference. 

The amount of this award is an an estimated $2300 to be split between the fall and spring semester.

Application must include:

  • Transcripts of all relevant work (unofficial copies are acceptable).
  • A brief statement, explaining why you should be considered for this scholarship, include any career plans.
  • Copy of Student Aid Report (SAR).
  • A letter of recommendation from one of your current or former teachers/professors.

Program Type: Undergraduate

Estimated: $500-$1000

GPA Criteria - None

Must be a Resident or Non- Resident

Applicant must be a Physics Major or Biophysics major under the The College at Arizona State University

Must be enrolled Full-Time

Amount: $1000 

Requirements: Students entering community college or university nontraditionally

Major - Physics or Biophysics 

GPA - 2.0

Student must be in good standing. 

Travel Awards

The Department of Physics provides travel awards to undergraduate students attending physics conferences or workshops. Students must be a current Department of Physics major and be enrolled full-time at the time of the application and conference. 

Application Deadlines 
August 31  January 31
October 31March 31

Applications will only be approved if your event takes place at least three weeks before your application submission. 

Travel Award Application

Submit Recommendation Letters Here